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Places in Time

Places in Time is the quarterly newsletter of the Lawrence Historical Society. The mission of Places in Time is to serve members of the Society by:

- educating them about the history of Lawrence Township; and
ï‚·- informing them of the activities of the Society.


Comments, questions, or submissions should be directed to the editor at


Deadlines for submissions are as follows:


December 15th (Winter issue)

March 15th (Spring issue)

June 15th (Summer issue)

August 15th (Fall issue).


Preferred length of submissions is 800-1000 words for feature articles and 400-500 words for reviews. The Society does not provide a commission for submitted works. Places in Time and the Lawrence Historical Society assume no responsibility for statements made by contributors.

Places in Time accepts advertisements from businesses which provide services that would be of interest to Society members. Rates and other related information can be obtained by contacting Joe Ciccone. An advertisement (or sponsor recognition) appearing in Places in Time does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of the advertiser’s product or service by LHS or Places in Time.


Places in Time is made possible, in part, by a grant from the Mercer County Division of Culture and Heritage, in partnership with the New Jersey Historical Commission, Division of Cultural Affairs/Department of State.

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